Sunday, February 6, 2011

Miss Bubbly Pants

My family of heathens gathered again for the Superbowl today. Is it OK to justify a Superbowl party on Sunday as a family activity? Regardless, that’s what was done, and it was done well. My mom is a crazy person: a lovely, incredible, overachieving, crazy person. Why am I not as crazy awesome as my mother? It’s all or nothing in her book.

For example: she wanted balloons for the party. Naturally, you need a Mylar balloon for each competing team. She got them a couple days in advance to be sure they were ready to go for the party. Greenbay deflated (thankfully, it wasn’t a bad omen) but with a lot of persuasion she convinced my dad to make a detour to Partyland on their night out to get the balloon floating again. Greenbay successfully recovered from its temporary downfall. However, when brother Dalliwag was unloading the car, he slammed the door on the balloon. Greenbay was down again. Mom was so distraught that she spent the following hour trying to stuff the balloon with tissue paper and attach it to the ceiling with fishing line. Yep. After the stuffed balloon fell for the fourth time, sister Allerina told her it was time to retire it. Then mom stayed up until 3:00am making football shaped cake pops. There were all sorts of complications with the chocolate laces on the cake pops, but I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice it to say that my brother-in-law, Gap, nicknamed them cake “poops.”

I wasn’t there for the craziness, but I can just imagine it and it makes me love my mother even more. It also makes me feel incredibly guilty that the husband and I were the ones who asked if we were having the annual Superbowl party. We are the source of my family’s heathen habits—at least this year. When my mom relayed all of the perturbing party planning details she apologized for not being “Miss bubbly pants.” I laughed out loud. I’m glad she doesn’t have bubbles in her pants. Of course it all turned out amazing—especially the cake poops. Atrain would agree. I think that’s all he ate for dinner tonight.


  1. The cake poops were incredible! I should have thanked her some more. I thought she'd purchased them from some boutique super bowl catering place. The cakes were probably one of the best parts of the night (aside from the company..:)

  2. mel. we need recent comments in the sidebar...if you want.

  3. I love your mom!! I can totally picture the whole event and I love it! Glad it still turned usually always does, especially when family is involved!

  4. It was a fun night... and I thought your mom was very bubbly! I enjoyed her company!

    Thanks for inviting us! Our boy raved about air hockey, and our girls tried to re-create the jumping pad they discovered.

  5. I love the way you told the story... PS when am I going to appear on your blog with a custom nickname? I would give you ideas but I want to see what you come up with. HAHAHA No pressure... :D

  6. And by the way, I love how you told this story, and I loved the title. GAP loved the post too. :)

  7. Call me "Replica" because I'm dumb and repeat myself. This is officially my last comment on this post.

  8. amber: "I would give you ideas but I want to see what you come up with."

    too late..:)
