Today I felt like the sun’s rays were piercing daggers into my eyes. Every sound set off land mines in my mind. The smell of dirty dishes made me want to puke. The seeds of a serious migraine were taking root in my brain. It is the price I pay for my midnight writing rendezvous. Such scandalous activity always catches up with me. It’s worth it.
My first instinct was to burry myself under my sheets until it was safe to resurface. Then I looked at little Jdog nestled beside me. He probably wouldn’t enjoy being buried under the covers for too long. Oh yes, and then there’s Atrain yelling, “Mommy, I want your hair,” down the hall. Mmm huh. Finally, the husband with the bum leg would need a ride to work/school any moment now. Nope…I wasn’t going to have the pleasure of burying myself alive today.
So, it was off to the husband’s work/school with the kids wrapped in blankets. I dropped him off with a kiss, put on Atrain’s sunglasses to shield my eyes from the stabbing sunlight and then decided to head to the grocery store. There was no milk and all I wanted to eat was Grape-Nuts. Cereal is my comfort food. I wondered if a hang-over might feel anything like a migraine and what I would be buying instead of milk to ease my pain.
I told Atrain we were going to the grocery store to buy him a special breakfast. He was SO excited and kept asking, “What am I getting, a dough what? I can’t believe this mommy.” He made me laugh. It felt good to laugh.
The blue shopping cart/truck was available and Atrain dove into the drivers’ seat and assumed command of our rig. I got a little distracted in the seasonal isle and he kept yelling, “No, mommy, this way! I’m steering this way to the doughuts—dough whats, mommy? Oh..the doughnuts. This way!” I made it past the seafood counter without barfing and Atrain opened the door to his truck when we officially arrived at our destination. He choose a doughnut with a thick layer of white frosting…a surprising choice, given the boy’s chocolate obsession. He exhibited impressive self control, holding it pristinely in the palm of his hand until we paid for it and the milk. Then he gobbled it, exclaiming that he was the “doughnut monster.” I laughed at him again and said a silent prayer to thank God that he is such a cute little monster.
I made it back home through the morning traffic without allowing my head to split in two. Atrain kept alternating questions, “How are you doing, mommy?” then, “How are you feeling?” I told him the truth—that I wasn’t feeling the best this morning, but I was so happy he was being such a good boy. Once in our apartment I inhaled a bowl of cereal along with four ibuprofen pills. Jdog began stirring in his car seat. I asked Atrain if it was alright if he watched Super Why while I fed baby J in bed. Of course, he consented. Thank you, Super Why.
Jdog and I slept like babies for an hour. There’s nothing like snuggling with your baby in bed—especially when you have a migraine. There’s nothing like a three year old who helps you with the dishes, is content vacuuming for hours and asks you, “How are you feeling?” all day long—especially when you have a migraine. There’s nothing like a husband who kisses and holds your stinky, un-showered self without even grimacing—especially when you have a migraine. Today might even end up being an amazing day, even though I have a migraine.
So sorry you ever have to have migraine days. I love that dough what monster...