Sunday, June 12, 2011

Little Miracles

There were a lot of moments this week that were honest, undeniable gifts from God. They came at a time when I really needed to see them—when I was praying for them: those assurances that He is watching you, and watching out for you:

· When my Dad mysteriously showed up behind me as I was walking into the church building for my cousin’s baptism. I was carrying both boys in my arms, holding tight to both of them, but also telling an (just awoken from his nap) ornery Aaron that he had to let go as soon as we got to the church’s door because mommy’s load was getting heavy. Then my dad came up behind me and took Aaron in his arms and said, “let me help you.” I was almost shocked, “How did you know I was here? And that I needed help?” I asked. He replied, “Mom told me to come find you. She felt like you needed help.”

· When the husband texted to tell me that he loves me right after Atrain had a minor meltdown. I hate it when he hits me. I try not to take it personal because he is only three, after all, but I always need a good reminder that someone loves me after moments like that.

· When we sang, “Because I Have Been Given Much” in church and I felt the Spirit bare witness of all the good gifts God has given me in my life. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I thought of my family, my friends, my good life and my desire to give all that I am and can be to God.

· Whenever baby J looked up at me from his crawl stance with his big two bottom-toothed grin, so proud of himself. I’m so proud of him too. I can’t believe he has two teeth, and that he’s already trying to crawl. This weekend I couldn’t help but be completely astonished by his patience whenever his attempts to move forward wobbled into a dive for the floor. That happens to me a lot too. I’m lucky to have a little sweet six month old to remind me about what it means to have patience. “In your patience possess ye your souls,” Luke 21:19.

· My sister Bambie’s birthday party and learning from her selfless approach to life.

· Listening to a conference talk by Claudio M. Costa about the Prophet Joseph Smith and feeling the desire to read Joseph Smith History.

· When I watched my little cousin go under the waters of baptism. It was so sweet. So pure—the promises he was making to God at such a young age. Eight years old seems so young to understand what a great commitment you are making. And yet, it is an inspired commitment that needs to be made continually after you enter the waters of baptism, an inspired way of life.

1 comment:

  1. The little miracles make life sweet. I am glad you had reminders that you are loved and looked after.
