Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Some things only happen once in a lifetime. When I think of those moments in my life I think of my first kiss, my wedding day and the days my children were born. Perhaps the day I swam with sharks can fit in there somewhere too (because that aint happening again). And then there’s every other day: the grocery day, the laundry day, the “I’m not sure how many times I’ve changed this kiddos clothes,” day, etc. These days, the “routine” days float out of my memory like steam out of a pot.

Even though today’s events fell more on the “routine” side of the spectrum, I tried to capture at least some of 1/11/11’s moments in my memory before they evaporated away. I want to remember how it felt to push my two kiddos in the stroller down the frozen sidewalks; trying to carry on a conversation with Atrain, but realizing my cold cheeks couldn’t correctly form my words; staring down at my little bright-eyed bundle of a baby cooing happily into the cold air. I want to remember how Atrain thought it was so funny when I chased him like a velociraptor, and how funny it was to watch him imitate me. I want to remember how he stole my “I can’t believe ______” phrase from our conversation and applied it so cutely and so incorrectly. I will never forget how he refuses to wear his coat over his basketball attire because he wanted to be sure everyone knew that tonight was the big game night with dada. I wouldn’t mind forgetting the fact that we forgot to change his batteries before the game and he ran out toward the end. I hope I always remember how sweet it is to hear him request hugs from his little brother, and how much Jdog squirms in Atrain’s arms. I never want to forget how much I love hearing hubby whistle to himself, even when he's on the throne.

These things happen every day—the unremarkable, routine life happenings. And, they make every day pretty darn special; especially 1/11/11.

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