Our day begins at 4:00am. Poor Jdog snorts his way through his early morning meal. Wish I could find that darn nose sucker. We are in and out of sleep until Atrain creeps into my room at 6:45 and says “raur!” I scream. Jdog cries. Atrain laughs. On go Atrain’s cochlears.
The husband comes home at 8:00am. It is so good to see him, especially after he makes crepes and does the dishes. Yum, crepes. Hooray for no dishes.
The husband studies, Atrain and I read books and Jdog stuffed his face. We go running in the fog and Atrain admits (for the first time all winter) that he is freezing cold. Thank heavens. I was beginning to worry about his temperature receptors.
We get home, clean up a bit, snack on left over crepes and decide to give baby J a bath. Once this kid’s clothes come off it’s hard to put them back on. He’s just too rolly poley cute. Atrain decides to “help” wash the baby, and it’s time to take the Jdog out. It won’t be long before the big boy dives in. I leave Atrain in the tub with a squirt bottle to keep him company while I clothed the little one.
After a quick snack, Jdog is out for a nap, snuggling next to his studying dada. I retrieve Atrain from the tub and marvel at the amount of water that can be splashed around in 10 minutes. Then I chase his naked little behind down the hallway a few times before I pin him down and force on his outfit for family pictures. Soon enough his cochlears are back on and he curls up on the couch for quiet time to watch Super Why while I sneak into the shower.
I linger a little longer in the hot water, knowing that all my boys are content for at least a few minutes. I wonder where we will live in a couple of years, if we will be able to afford a home and upgrades for Atrain’s implants, if my bellybutton will ever look the same again, and what I should wear for the pictures.
I emerged from the shower to discover a dispute over the T.V. between Atrain and the husband. It was time for the BYU basketball game and Atrain was not happy. He is tired. We manage a distraction. How rude of us.
As I blowdry my hair I can hear the husband growing more and more disgruntled by his favorite team. I guess they’re loosing. Too bad Jimmer Jammer couldn’t save them from this one. The husband tells me he can get ready for pictures in fifteen minutes. Hum…guess he’ll have to cut his bath down from a half hour to ten mintues.
My sister shows up with her camera. She’s excited to get some “urban” family picture shots. With two tired little boys, I hope we don’t disappoint. I wear the blue coat my mom gave me, my new two dollar tank, six dollar jeans and the boots my brother in law gave me for Christmas last year. The husband successfully emerges from the tub in less than ten minutes and has his clothes on I laid out for him. He’s so handsome.
We load up in the double jogger and it’s still freezing outside, but Atrain and Jdog are surprisingly good sports. Atrain complains when my sister leaves him out of the shot. I love it when I’m left out. Seeing my boys huddle together in different arrangements is sure sweet. We end family pictures on the bridge as the sun sets. Even if the subjects don’t work out, the scenery is gorgeous. I watch Atrain run across and realize that we’ll be moving somewhere in a year when med school is done. I’ve been crossing under and over this bridge since before he was born. I pushed him in the stroller when he was Jdog’s size and I was on my way to grad school graduation. He’s grown up here. Jdog was born here. We’ve grown together here. Our med school home has been good to us.
We return home to our little apartment and watch a replay of the pictures we took. Hubby is handsome. Our kiddos are cute. I still have some baby weight to loose. “Wow, I’m going bald,” says the husband. Se la vi. I’m glad we now have a few pictures of our family.
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