Today was a rare mothering day when rain was pouring down my window panes, daunting 'to do' lists were stacked higher than the dishes in the sink, all that Atrain wanted to do was recreate lightsaber battle scenes while sweet Jdog hoped for a little more snuggle time, and (here is the rare part) I managed to do it all and (even more unlikely) I felt pretty darn good about what I had done. I even faked losing my hand to Darth Vader while doing the dishes. I somehow wrote a building newsletter, pretended to be the Easter bunny for our neighbors with Atrain, and caught up on a few blog posts. I even utilized the only hour of sunshine for an afternoon jog.
As I pat myself on the back at the end of the day wondering how this was all possible I I came to one very important conclusion: if I'm flexible enough to neglect my shower until 4:00 in the afternoon, it's bound to be amazing day.
Funny, I've come to this conclusion too. Post workout, if I just stay in my gym clothes for a few hours, and wait until I don't actually have time for a shower, yet force myself to fit it into a 15 minute "getting ready" period, I get so much more done!! :)