In most professions you can put in a certain amount of effort and expect a certain outcome. But, as a mother, you never know what to expect. You can wake up hours before you need to be somewhere, but still have to manage a meltdown over a missing toy right when you’re supposed to be headed out the door. You can love a little person more than anything in the world and they may still scream at you, splash you and slap you in the face when they don't want to get out of the bathtub. No matter how many pairs of shoes you pick up during the day, there’s bound to be at least a few more pairs hanging out on the ground, waiting to trip you when you’re holding the basket of laundry you just folded. And, you can try your hardest to be your best and still somehow end up feeling like you’re failing at the end of the day. I ain’t foolin’ around; some days it’s just hard to be a mom.
OHhh...I have felt this alot the last few days!