Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Tantrum and a Dream

I felt like throwing a tantrum today--like burrying my face into a patch of grass while I wept and wailed and gnashed my teeth. I didn't, but I should have. I was seconds away from leaving for a girls night with my sister in law when I received a text reminding me about a meeting that I neglected to put on my schedule. Darn.

That was when I wished that I had developed sluffing skills while in school. But for some reason I have never been able to let myself off the hook. Maybe some day, but not today. Instead, I'll just imagine my little tantrum, paint a smile on my face and then be on my way to where I should be...dreaming of the day when I have the audacity to cut out on my own schedule. Wouldn't that feel nice? Especially if I kidnapped myself to go dancing with the husband. Oh, a girl can dream.

1 comment:

  1. Glad we were able to make good on the girl's night out later on...

    And you should definitely make good on taking the hubby dancing...
