Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Best First Day

Atrain doesn't have many 'firsts' that I would consider great. He has a healthy sense of caution, and won't jump into anything without testing the water three or four times. It's a great trait, but it begs a bit of preparation on my part. I didn't want his first day of school to pan out like his previous year. Too many "I'm crying so much because I miss you so much, Mom" are too much for my mother heart to bear.

So, we've been preparing for his first day of school for a while now. We took a couple dips into his classroom weeks before his teacher arrived on the premises. Then, on "meet your teacher day," we stayed well beyond our allotted time frame, just to be sure he got a good feel of every nook and cranny of the classroom. And today, baby J and I hung around until Atrain acclimated. Finally, after rug time introductions and a mommy book reading, he was ready. "You can go now," he said, but quickly followed it up with, "but be back in two minutes." (the latest phrase he says to daddy in the morning). "Ok," I said.

"Two minutes" later, I was back to get him. He was happy to see me--without a no thanks for stranding me note. He told me about how his classroom critter, Vinny Boom Botts the vinegaroon, eats crickets. He told me about how much he likes playing with Shoshee. And he told me how excited he was to get his drop off treasure. I was excited to give it to him. We earned it.

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