Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Word

Jdog will be one next month.  I've known this would happen for a while now.  It always does.  But, lately it's been easier to believe.  His mumblings have morphed into a few recognizable words.  His favorites are:
  • "Dada," always, always dada.
  • "teeth," said with the best consonants I've ever heard, while digging into the husband's gums.
  • "ooooo," every time he examines his set of toy cows.
  • "Diga diga," and no one's exactly sure what that means.  Tickle, perhaps?  Doggie, maybe?
  • "was that?!" that's just so adorable, is what that is.
  • "eeeeea," with his hand in my ear.
  • "ssssthcka," your guess is as good as mine.
  • "hannah," a term of endearment he deems upon his extended female relatives.
  • and "mmmom" to me.  usually when he's hungry, or sad.  It is sweet to be the one he depends on in times of need.
How much his little words mean.  I just can't wait to hear more.

1 comment:

  1. You truly savor it all, for so many reasons. I love it.

    I hope you somehow record all of his happy chatterings. I've said before about how many soft consonants he is always stringing together. It is so cute.
