Self Advice from the fifth day of January:
- Always fold the corners of pages in books we read--library books are no exception. From the mouth of Atrain, who was taught by Uncle Esteban today, "It is what we do."
- Never swear during a professional presentation geared at training young(ish) RAs on how to help victims of abuse. Especially not the F word. Especially not six times. Presenters who do that look like ignorant fools.
- Keep singing the "let us gather in a circle, and kneel in family prayer" song before prayers at bedtime. And, continue to let the husband and Atrain rest their heads on your knees while praying, even if it feels a tad bit irreverent. Jdog is listening, and watching so much closer than you realize, and he fills in the gap left on "the husband's" knee when he is not able to make it.
- Do take small hair risks when feeling bored with your 'do. Bangs are fun, and they can always grow back.
- Continue to listen to conversations on "The Mormon Channel" while putting the house back together at night time. It is inspiring. It is motivating. It is refreshing.
- Don't forget to call your mom.
- Eat more falafels with Atrain and let Jdog wear his cougar pajamas in falafel eateries. It strikes up amazing conversations.
- Be happy. When Christ spoke of his impending atonement and death, he said, "These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace: in the world, ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.
- Love motherhood. Love makes life so much better.
mel your amazing. that's all :).
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOUR BANGS!!!! You did it! Woot!!!