Friday, April 22, 2011


Last night I had a sleep over with my sister-in-laws. It’s something we do every time Bil comes into town. We brave whatever our cute little bedlamites might throw our way, hunker down, talk decorating, eat bread pudding and Italian ice at 1am and laugh our heads off at pith jokes, par exemple, “There sure is a lot of pith in this punch.” Thank you, Bonanza, for that one. The night always ends too soon, especially because Atrain is unable to sleep for longer than two hours away from home if he isn’t holding onto my hair and Jdog still enjoys three or so nighttime snacks. Oh how I love snuggling with my bedlamites, even if they keep me from laughing at pith jokes with the SILs...its probably for the better anyway.


  1. So glad all the kiddos finally ended up asleep. And that I woke you up. :) I love my inherited sisters... you all are the best!

  2. You are so very welcome mel, I am here anytime for entertainment:) That was a wonderful night! I completely love our tradition!
