Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Devil gets Married

“The Devil went down to Georgia

*Revised for Esteban and Hill's wedding*

‘Ol Stevie went up to New York

He was lookin’ for a heart to steel

He was in a bind, ‘cos he was 29

And he was willin’ to make a deal.

When he came across this young gal

Sawin’ into hearts (and she was HOT)

So Stevie jumped up on a road bump

And said, “Girl let me tell you what…”

I bet you didn’t know it,

but I’m a player of hearts too

And if you care to take a dare,

I’ll make a bet with you.

Now you’ve got a pretty good game girl,

but give “ol Stevie his due

I’ll bet my heart of gold against your soul,

‘cos I think I’m better than you.

The gal said, “My name’s Hillary and it might be a sin,

But I’ll take you’re bet and you’re gonna regret

‘cos I’m the best there’s ever been!

Hillary rosin up your bow

And play those heart strings hard

‘cos Hell’s broke loose in New York

And ‘ol Stephen deals the cards

And if you win, you get his shiny heart, made of gold

But if you loose ‘ol Stevie gets your soul

‘Ol Stevie opened up his case and said “I’ll start this show”

And fire flew from his finger tips as he rosined up his bow

And he pulled the bow across his strings and it made an evil hiss

Then a band of ex-girlfriends joined in and it sounded something like this

When ‘ol Stevie finished, Hillary said, “Well, you’re pretty good ‘ol son

But sit down in Times Square, right there, and let me show you how it’s done!

F­­­­­ire on the skyline, run boys run

Hillary is in the house of the risin’ sun

Cookin’ in the bread pan, makin’ lots of dough

“Ready for your first night?”

“No, child, no.”

“Ol Stephen bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beat.

So he laid his golden heatt on the ground at Hillary’s feet.

Hillary said: “Stephen just marry me, and we’ll play again and again.

But I told you once, you son of a Pat, I’m the best that’s ever been.”

And they played fire on the skyline, run boys, run.

Mam-Frands built a house in the risin’ sun.

Cookin’ in the bread pan, makin lots of dough.

“Stephen will we ever fight?”

“No, child no.”

1 comment:

  1. I loved getting in touch with my inner Beyonce with you to this song...
