Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Train your Dragmom

No, I didn't dress in drag today. But I did do a lot of training: inventories, lock outs, check ins, door decs, building meetings, ice breakers, organizational values, duty schedules, etc. It was a big day. I met a lot of new people--young people, good people. They make me feel simultaneously old and energized. I really do like my job.

But what I loved most was coming home to my kiddos, who had been happily playing with Allerina all afternoon. I don't know how I'd survive without my littlest sis, or any of my sisters for that matter. When I got home, the boys tackled me--both of them. And they were both whimpering, and then crying, and then competing for a place in my arms. It felt so good.

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