Monday, August 29, 2011

I've Earned It.

I cried within an hour of waking up today. I've felt a little lousy lately: expecting much more of myself and missing most of my marks. The husband suggested that I ease up, and he's probably right. So, I let go of a little expectation for the day, even though it's hard to forget how far behind I feel. I'm glad I put it aside and went to work. I don't think that's the best cure for the "lousy lately" blues, but it does help.

Last weekend was wonderful. The husband and I rented the Schwinn Tango, a tandem bike, and rode it around town (thank you Milly for taking the kids and making our bike date possible). Some people call tandem bikes "divorcycles," but I'm happy to say we are still married. We were a perfectly nerdy pair as we cruised into the annual medical school BBQ on the tandem. I love the husband's unabashed approach to my ideas. He dives in, 100%, unquestioning. We had a good time--especially as we huffed back up the hills to our home. He somehow made me feel like I was pulling my own weight too. I don't want to own a tandem, but I do look forward to biking by the husband's side some day.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Tonight at my staff meeting one of my coworkers asked how old I am going to be. "Twenty seven," I said with confidence, just before someone said how rude it is to ask a girl her age. "It's ok," I said, "I'm turning twenty seven and I've earned it." Tomorrow will be a great day.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

    You've earned your 27 years, your very own wonderboy, 2 additional adorable growing boys, and all the future has in store for you and your sweet family.

    It's going to be an exciting year!!!

  2. 27. Lucky number as it adds up to 9.
