Wednesday, August 17, 2011

PS: I Love You.

I bet I rolled close to 500 pieces of tape today. Residence halls are opening tomorrow and it is not an event to be taken lightly. And then there is the Relief Society bread making activity, and the Medical Student Alliance opening social, and my little missionary brother's birthday. I haven't even emailed him a letter. It's hard not to feel like a hysterical, horrible old hag right now. And, oh yes--I forgot to mention the husband's residency applications that hinge on my help. But how, when I haven't a second to stand still? I'm not complaining. Even though I feel like a hag, I do try to enjoy it--I just wish this hag had more time to fit everything in.

Hopefully the waters will settle soon so I can send Elder JD the suspenders I bought him for his birthday, play with my kids, buy groceries, clean the toilet, go running, and write something that will help my husband get a job (in no particular order). The husband has been doing such a fabulous job holding down the fort while I'm at work. I hope we can continue work on his stuff soon. Gotta go. Jdog has awaken for his midnight feast.

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet the toilet can wait a little longer. Or maybe Jonny can do it. :)

    Two weeks "away" sure makes things pile up, I bet. Wish I could have rolled some tape for you... or Bekah... she'd love it!
