Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Almost Here

Last night we google chatted with the husband for a couple of hours while getting the kids ready for bed. The husband watched Jdog roll around on the floor, listened to Atrain tell him about how he was dizzy yesterday, and followed my frenzied mind as it puddle jumped through the thoughts of the day. We even brought dada’s digital image into Atrain’s room for our bedtime routine. It was almost like he was here.

But I do miss telling the boys that it’s time to settle down every time dada’s tickle hands attack at bedtime. I miss dividing the round-up of Atrain’s nightly necessities: a “grununga” bar, a cup of water, a toothbrush and collection of toys. I miss watching him rock baby J in the plum recliner just before I carry him off to his crib. I miss resting my head on his chest as we laugh and/or cry about the events of the day when the boys are asleep. I even miss annoying the husband with my subconscious footsie playing. I miss him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for technology. Glad you have "face to face" interaction. :)
