Tuesday, October 25, 2011


If every moment felt like this,
would this one feel as free; 
Could his smile stencil in my mind
the image that attests me
Would I record their rapturous giggles
glowing in memory gold,
or work in worthy wonderment,
their Godly mysteries to unfold?
I sift for them through silt and sludge--
I pine, I pray, I plea
then treasure each and every shell
sharing her secret with me--
A pearl so precious and so peculiar,
it never will be worn
But kept and cradled and planted
in fields that will adorn
the Heavens with unbending joy:
we meet each other there
But here and now, our fortune we guard,
no other can compare. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. Completely lovely. You are a true guardian of eternal fortune.
