Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Sign for Hug

I know there is a proper way to "sign" hug in ASL.  But, Jdog has come up with his own method--all on his own:

He tilts his head to the right as far as he can, and then raises his right shoulder until cheek meets clavical bone.  Somtimes, in the process he becomes slightly off balance, but eventually he meets his goal.  And when he does he smiles.

Jdog does this while walking toward you.  And, I promise, when you see it, it will turn your heart into a big puddle of mush.

Today he even brought me his "lala" (Elmo) toy, and instructed me to hug it.  He carried it my way with outstretched arms, exclaiming, "lala! Lala!"  I took his beloved red monster and then Jdog began to tilt.  He tilted his head until I started to tilt too.  And when I did, I finally got them message, and brought elmo up to my cheek and hugged.  J smiled and waddled slowly away.

How did I ever live before I knew to sign hug?

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