Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Price of Rice

Good news. The car and the phone are up and running again. It only took $1,054 to literally put the spring back into the step of our little old Ford. It was really hard to swallow that one. We honestly considered selling it and using the money to buy a ticket home for the husband. But there were a few glitches in that plan: close to no one wants to buy a broken car; even if the car is practically worthless, it sure is handy when the husband needs a ride to his rotation at 5am; and, of course, without that little red car the husband’s bike would be without a ride home.

The phone, on the other hand, made a miraculous recovery for $1.89: the cost of a bag of rice. Yes, let it be known to all who own a phone that failed to swim when it fell into the pool, rice can rescue it. Take it apart, put it in an airtight bag of rice and let it sit overnight. With a little patience, the phone was as good as new. Thank you for the tip Pdiddy. I do love having a phone that is smarter than I am.


  1. Glad we could save you some $$ while you were hemorrhaging it in other ways. :) I've had to use the rice trick a time or two. :(

  2. i would say you're welcome, but then the nickname knocks me over and i...can't...remember...what...i...was...going to say.

  3. I'm so sorry your cute, red car had spring problems in the summer. Hope it doesn't have fall problems in the summer, too.
