Thursday, January 13, 2011

Poster Girl

If I had a superpower, it would probably be poster making. I've never been the fastest runner, the most graceful dancer, the best vocalist or the craftiest crafter--but I've always been the best poster maker. I pride myself in my ability to wield the thick, dripping, paintbrush poster markers. This is what I was doing today. When my husband reminded me that I am on maternity leave and I don't "have" to be making posters for my job right now, I reminded him that I still want to do a good job--even if I'm on leave. He continued to question my logic when I got out the Elmer's glue and sparkles. I got a little defensive and said, "What if I like what I'm doing?" Sorry for that, honey, and thanks anyway for always trying to save me from myself. Its just my superpower. I make posters. That's what I do.


  1. You do make good posters. Even on maternity leave. Tah-dah! Go you! I still remember how you made them when Jonny got home from his mission. And look at the super results you got from that!

  2. I say you have more super powers than that... but I'll take it. You are a super poster maker. :)

  3. LOL!! Oh Mel how I love you! I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for your amazing poster skills! You saved me many of times during those Monday morning poster making days! You still amaze you!! :)

  4. I seriously had to laugh reading this! Oddly enough, I kind of miss making posters! You Go Melinda!
